EST took us on a wine tasting tour the day after our race!
Our second tour guide, Sharyn who gave us lovely facts about the flora and fauna of Australia, as well as being a triathlon coach! Here I hold an authentic Australian meat pie. Seems like Australians like these pies of all sorts.
Yes that little speck under the tree on the left was a real live wild kangaroo. See the closeup on the right. These guys hide under the trees in the day time and come out to eat during the mornings and evenings.
Wine tasting was fun. I was getting pretty sloshed on sipping wine due to my depleted condition from racing the day before. Takes one Ironman to make me a cheap date!
There’s me in ecstasy after tasting the Sandelera port, an incredibly smooth dessert wine that cost me $5 just to taste it.
Wacky sculptures were found at each winery, as well as fancy places to spit/dump your tasted wine.
Congratulations to one of group, Donna, who took 3rd in her age group and got a Kona slot! She blew by me on the bike and I was in awe of her speed!
Here we all sit on the bus ride to Perth airport, all happy and depleted and sore.
Of course, I could not leave Australia without sampling the local fare. In Perth, I found a microbrewery and ate kangaroo steak and lamb and crocodile sausages. Yum!