One last thing before the race report.
As we submitted our T1 and T2 bags, they made us take out everything and they searched them. We were (rightfully) asked if we had the main things, like our race numbers, shoes, bike helmet, etc.
But then they asked us if we had contraband substances. One of my buddies Keish was held up because he had some ibuprofen in his bag. They had to call an official to ask what that was and make sure it wasn’t illegal! Duh! It’s Advil, mate!
Well maybe people in Australia do cocaine or smoke a joint while racing. Guess they need to make sure we don’t do that.
Monthly Archives: December 2007
IM WA: Tomorrow is Race Day!
Last post before the race…
Here I sit in the lounge of the Abbey Beach Resort, blogging away about the race. It also happens to be the only place in the hotel which has WIFI.
I’ve had a long day today preparing for the race. Hopefully I will get a good night’s sleep as I will be getting up at 3 am to eat and get my stuff together to go over to the race start. The race starts earlier than other Ironmans at 6:15am, but also ends earlier too at 11pm. Track me at the Ironman Western Australia site or at Ironman Live.
Full race report coming soon after the race!
IM WA: Bike Course, Bike Drop Off, Need to Change My Last Name
Today I took a quick ride out onto the bike course. It is incredibly flat. According to my buddy Keish, the max elevation change is 50 ft! Foothill Expressway is a tougher ride than this course, and it ain’t tough at all! Also, apparently out here at sunrise and sunset, kangaroos come out and hang out by the roadside foraging for food.
After getting back to the room, we got all our T1 and T2 equipment together into our bags and set out to check in our bikes and that equipment.
Parking our bikes in transition was nice. They had a labeled spot for me that had my name on it! This race has almost 1000 people in it; it’s probably the smallest race I’ve been to (most of the other Ironmans are well over 2000 these days). It’s funny to see only this many bikes in transition. Very unusual for me.
Yet more waiting in line to check in our T1 and T2 bags. I think I must change my last name because every time I reach a line, it’s the slowest moving line that has the most people in it! What a drag!
Here is Greg our rep from Endurance Sports Travel. He’s a pro-triathlete from Brooklyn who just made Team USA, and hopefully will be an Olympic contender someday. He’s also our mechanic and chauffeur for our race.