Art is More Interesting, Or One Reason Why I Hate LA, Or Why Reality is Better Than Fantasy

Last week, I met up with David and Zoe and had lunch with them at The Counter in Santa Monica.
Somehow we got on the topic of the Hollywood effect which is so prevalent in LA.
The Hollywood Effect
All around LA, you can’t escape the effect of Hollywood. It’s everywhere. For example, a lot of the people you see as waiters in restaurants are all aspiring actors. Movie premieres are common and well talked about. All have friends who work at one studio or another. Billboards advertise the latest shows and episodes, and feature beautiful people. Everyone knows somebody who knows somebody who knows some big time actor/actress or their kids.
You can’t escape it. You see it everywhere. You know people who are a part of it and it intrinsically defines the culture there. People then strive to be part of the culture and then the problems begin.
Beautiful People
Society glorifies the people they see in movies or TV. Women want to marry the movie star man, men desire the supermodel actresses. They build the ideal in their minds and then measure everyone else by it. Then, knowing this, everyone attempts to make themselves look and act like these idolized models of humanity.
So I say to David and Zoe that the “plastic” nature of women in LA sickens me. People use plastic surgery so that they can match up to the apparent ideal. I see boobs suddenly leaping to the sky and they leap joyfully everywhere in LA. And why do women (and men too) do this? Why can’t they be happy with who they are? Why do they focus on externalities and attract people who ALSO are attracted to externalities when in reality it is what is inside that makes the difference and keeps people together? This aberrant behavior is one of the biggest reasons why I hate LA.
Art Appreciation
Zoe recounts her experience at a recent meeting in a prominent TV studio. She tells of being excited at being on the set of some notable daytime soap operas and watched some of the auditions. She laughs as she remembers thinking that all those guys were so hot but then she talks about how they all looked so much the same and the generic nature of their hot-ness somehow made them less attractive.
I laugh and say that maybe she could just buy one of them, prop them up in her room like a piece of art, and then admire him everyday.
She then says, “No way. I think art is more interesting…”
A literary genius could not have said it better. Silently, I thank the skies above that someone else in the world believes as I do.
Crazily Chasing the Fantasy
I have experienced this too. At bars, we constantly try to go up and talk to the hottest woman in the place. We watch movies, read magazines, and talk about how we want someone that looks like the latest popular supermodel. We dream about the strip joint hot babe that we’re going to find and go out with.
But that’s why there are strip joints. So that men can have a bit of that fantasy. And when you leave, the fantasy stays and you go home.
Unfortunately, that’s not true. The mind continues to think about the fantasy. It rates all other women (or men) against it and makes you go after someone solely because of the way they look. It makes you focus on the externalities and totally forget about the internal stuff until it’s too late. That’s when you realize you aren’t compatible with this person and you can’t really stand being with them. You chase the fantasy, you cause others to try to match up to the fantasy, and then realize that there is no substance under the fantasy because it really just is fantasy.
It really is too bad that LA is not curable, or at least I don’t think so. There are big bucks in selling the fantasy and no one is going to take an argument that perhaps society could be better off without the fantasy, and that they should find ways of making movies without all the negative after effects.
But I for one am sticking with reality because in the end that is what matters. It’s not the fake boobs or the perfect face because the fantasy does fade into the commonplace for me when every fantasy looks the same. It’s the uniqueness of the individual, basically what’s real about each person, that I want to get to know.
Like Zoe, I too think art is definitely more interesting….

Heroes, Villains, and Princesses

So I couldn’t resist. I bought Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith before the movie came out. Normally, I hate doing this. The last time I did this I loved the book and hated the movie which was a poor adapation of the novel. This is what typically happens. The book is usually well-written, but the movie falls short. I can only hope that the Episode III movie is just as good as the book.
The book got me thinking about the fairy tale aspect of the story. It describes the Clone Wars, in which Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have become heroes to the Republic. They are idolized in every aspect and their exploits are legendary and larger than life. When there is a war to be won, they send Anakin and Obi-Wan and literally they save the day every time. Victory is assured no matter where they are.
And then there is Queen Amidala, the epitome of the leader and adored by all. She is respected by the Senate and works to the good of all.
Underlying everything is the evil Sith Lord named Darth Sidious and his minion Count Dooku. They are the villains of Episode III and they are treacherous, dark, destructive, and the antithesis of everything good.
The story touched a part of me that I’ve been thinking about for a while now.
When we were kids, we imagined ourselves being heroes and villains and fair princesses (like my daughter) and we played their roles with vivid imagination and energy. We would build castles, ply our swords, fling magic spells, attempt to kill the princess but then she would be rescued. The princess would be eternally grateful and the hero would marry her, the most beautiful and desirable woman in the kingdom.
Romanticism and imagination. What a powerful combination. Somehow I had lost that over the last decade.
I’ve gotten caught up on evaluation. And reaching goals. And making sure something was buildable. Or within the standards set by others. And if it didn’t fit, I tossed it. It became an auto-defense mechanism. A reflex. A habit.
I’ve also gotten worn down by life. By the meeting the expectations and demands of others. Of all these externalities. And trying to always please someone else. Letting externalities suck away all my energy and enthusiasm. When all that really mattered was what I thought and what goals I set for myself….
All these habits and behaviors close down your ability to dream. To look at the world with fresh eyes and not toss ideas – the ability to be creative. To be romantic. To touch the child-like part of ourselves again and tap the energy and enthusiasm of youth because that’s where creativity comes from – the rampant imagination that we see in our children but as adults somehow we’ve lost that.
I actually credit James Hong over at Hot or with making me realize what had happened to me.
It was at a Starbucks in San Francisco. We were talking about microbusinesses and how small sites built and managed by 1-2 people could make tons of cash with little effort. He talked about how they hired some Berkeley students as interns to go and just build stuff. No evaluation. No justification of headcount. Just find some cool idea, run with it, build it, launch it, and see what happens. It was the ulimate in creativity in product design. And the internet allows us to do this cheaply and easily. He also remarked that he hired these students because they have new and fresh ideas and that he liked the way they helped him and his partner think more creatively. He also talked a lot about how the fact that you just need to launch stuff and see what happens. Often the unexpected happens when there are tons of users’ creativity to draw upon. Sometimes they use your site for reasons you’ll never imagine.
At that moment, I just kicked myself. Over the last decade I had closed off so many parts of myself and it was a bad thing. I vowed to reopen those sides of me as soon as possible and just have fun with what I’m working on now –
But I also realized that it wasn’t just for startups and businesses that I wanted to do this opening up for. I wanted to tap this energy for ALL parts of my life, from relationships, to friendships, to hanging out with my child, to my training – EVERYTHING. Romanticism, imagination, creativity – they can all be applied just about anywhere.
What an incredible revelation!

Affecting People in a Positive Way

Around the middle of last year I left my job. I announced it, emailed everyone, visited some people who were extra special to me in remote offices, gave them my contact info, pointed them to this blog, and off I went.
When I did all that, I was truly touched by some of the responses I got. Many of them were people congratulating me but some of them told me stories of how I affected their lives in a positive way.
For example, one woman told me she was forever thankful for my advice and my mentoring, and that no one else would spend the time with her to do this mentoring but yet I did and now she was applying all those things that we talked about and it was making her new job much easier. And this was a person who didn’t report to me; I was just friends with her and helped her outside of my group.
The comments didn’t just stop. They kept coming.
Earlier this year, I had dinner with a guy who worked for me. He told me that he missed my management of him, and that when I was there, things were more interesting for him, and that he enjoyed the intellectual discussions we had and the fun projects we worked on. He enjoyed the freedom that I gave him to do the work and how he approached it, as long as it functioned within certain boundaries I was fine with it.
And just this last week alone, I got a randomly a whole bunch of positive comments regarding my blog entries, and how people were enjoying reading my blog. It made them think about their own lives, and how my entries reflected issues in their own experiences. I think they also enjoyed staying connected with me, although in a somewhat textual fashion versus through live conversation (sometimes it’s just too hard to see someone in person).
In life or at work, I’ve always tried to bring out the best in people. I’ve tried to look at who they were and what they needed, and then I would proceed to tweak either subtly or loudly. Sometimes, it could be me saying to them something that would get them thinking down a new direction. Other times, it would be motivating them to increase the quality of their work to excellence and finding ways to break through their malaise. Or, it could be just a simple dinner conversation about a topic and then later on I find out they actually have used it in their daily lives and sometimes they actually thank me for suggesting it.
This is something that really has meant a lot to me. Engaging in people and leaving them with some part of me, or being influenced by me, and then see them come out better than yesterday. I get great satisfaction when others around me benefit from what I have done or given them.
It’s something that has always attracted me about design, that we could build a product or website and then, knowing how many units we’d make or how many visitors would come to the website, that each one of these people would gain the benefit of that product. Product design was a way for me to reach millions of people with the least effort. And I would always take great pleasure in knowing that each one of these people using the product on daily basis would have their lives improved by some measurable amount.
So thanks for your kind words and reflecting back to me your positive experiences, resulting from something that I have shared with you. I hope that you continue to find value in what I do, and please do keep in touch and tell me what you think.
As I go through life sharing my experiences and watching for the positive effects, I’ve also noticed one thing which I’d like to congratulate you, my readers, acquaintances, and friends for.
I’ve found that there are people who are so closed off to advice from external sources. No matter what you tell them whether in a directive or conversational way, the experiences seem to never stick. They never remember what you say and thus, they never even get to apply it.
However, then I noticed there were people I met who were completely the opposite. They file away everything you say and sometimes you’re not even aware that they do it. But then, you may be watching them some day and you’ll see a little bit of what you shared with them in what they are doing. Or they may actually come back to you and thank you for that little tidbit you dropped them during lunch.
To me, you who fall into this group should feel proud. You never throw away any thought because it may be useful. And you remember and thank the source. Feel good knowing that you are part of a special group of people, whether by genetics or by design, will always apply useful information no matter what the source of however you’ve been giving it, and you are gracious enough to thank the source.
At JFK I flipped through Marcus Buckingham’s new book, “The One Thing You Need to Know” and miraculously upon flipping it open to some random page, I flipped to the page which contained “the one thing” and it happened to be that successful managers (out of many hundreds polled) would always try to figure out what motivated the individual, what would make them successful, and work on that aspect of the employee, versus focusing on other things like how to align this person with the goals of the company, which has proven to not work nearly as well.
Nice to know that some experts are saying that what I do (and love doing and get deep satisfaction for) is actually something that might be the right thing to do…

All Packed Up or Frustration Reduction

Over the last two weeks I spent packing up my place. I went through and separated all my stuff and all the stuff going to my ex’s.
What an incredibly frustrating experience in dealing with these movers. Lack of information, erroneous information, missing information…unbelievable.
Thankfully the move itself went really well. The moving guys themselves were top notch and an entire 18 wheeler was filled to the brim with…. STUFF.
That’s what it all is…STUFF.
Too much stuff in my book.
Ever since I left Yahoo!, I’ve been on a frustration and clutter reduction kick. Remove all barriers to me moving forward in my life. Take away all time consuming meaningless tasks like writing checks to pay bills and stuffing envelopes. What a waste of my time.
Moving was a huge clutter reduction effort. Why did I need all this stuff? Was it to make happier? Did I need all this stuff? I didn’t even recognize half of it. Having so much stuff is just not in the cards anymore. It just makes my life more complex. I don’t need that. I want the simple life.
I don’t need to have so much stuff. Because in the end, it’s all just stuff. Physicalities. Meaningless. So I practiced LETTING GO. I don’t want or need to be attached to this STUFF. Yes there is an attachment factor to anything we buy or own but most of it really just isn’t necessary. When was I going to reread my old Wired magazines? Was I ever going to research for that Yahoo! book I was going to write? NEVER. It’s just paper taking up valuable space in my garage and in my psyche. Very bad on both accounts.
What a relief to LET GO. I had a great time watching the movers just take away all this furniture. I didn’t need to fight to keep it; it was not important. It is even UNHEALTHY.
How did we all ever think that having bigger and more things would be the way to go?
I think back to how our parents taught us. When you buy your next home, it should be BIGGER. And the next house after that. EVEN BIGGER. And for what? More opportunities to clutter up our lives until our limited time and resources cannot support so much space. It just encourages junk to take up that square footage.
Next stop – reduction of SPACE. I will live in my place for a while, but I am also enjoying living in a two bedroom apartment in LA, and also very soon a studio condo in NYC. It will force me to be brutal in throwing out things. I love it.
Clutter reduction = frustration reduction = happy dshen.
I love it when I write about or tell people that I’m spending time here or there. But, inevitably things get mixed up and people think I’ve blown out of the Bay Area permanently.
Just to set the record straight – I am living part time in Cupertino, part time in LA, and part time in NYC. I have not disappeared from the Bay Area and will not for a long time, I suspect….

Doing the Impossible

Back sometime around 1492, Columbus went to the Spanish court and said to them, “I’m going to sail across the ocean and discover the New World!” I am sure people thought he was crazy and was not shy in telling him so. After all, the world was flat, it certainly wasn’t round, and he would probably sail off the end of the earth and be eaten by the demons and sea monsters awaiting him. Or he would just be sunk by some huge storm or starve to death in becalmed seas. Despite such negativity and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, Columbus managed to set sail with the support of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and made it across the Atlantic Ocean, even though he and his crew experienced many hardships.
Fast forward many centuries to your childhood.
“Mom, can I go run a marathon?”
“Well sure, but you better watch out. You might hurt yourself. You might hurt your knees. It seems so long. Are you sure you can do this? Maybe when you’re older. Why don’t you go do something else?”
Fast forward to about 3 weeks ago in Time Magazine, an article entitled, “Bad Idea, You’ll Flunk Out” about women in the sciences:
“Then reality hit when I went back to my guidance counselor the next day and I told him that instead of being a lawyer or an interior decorator, I now wanted to be an engineer. He looked at me and said, “Bad idea. You have not scored on your aptitude test to be an engineer. You’re not inclined to be an engineer. You’re not made up to be an engineer.” Then I went to my math teacher, and she said the same thing, “Bad idea. You’ll flunk out.” ”
Thankfully this woman pushed past this comment and many more difficulties to become an engineer and flourish in a male dominated discipline full of antiquated notions and gender discimination.
Doing the Impossible
How many comments and situations have we encountered like those above?
The “impossible”: It’s something I’ve been thinking about quite a lot these days. The big questions for me are:
“What is truly impossible?”
“What makes something impossible?”
“What makes something actually possible?”
As I think deeply on this topic, I think on my own experiences in the “impossible”.
So far, I’ve now completed 2 marathons, several triathlons, and now a full Ironman.
At one point, if you asked me if these were possible, I may have said, “No.” And then, I would proceed to give you a list of reasons ranging from my age, to how much time it would take, to having bad knees, to god knows what else.
But something changed over the last year in my attitude towards things like this. I really started getting into “Doing the Impossible.”
Now what does “impossible” really mean?
I don’t mean things that are really impossible. Like deadlifting 500 lbs over my head.
I mean things that are most likely possible, but barriers exist in one’s own mind. A lot of these barriers were created from self-doubt and fear of the unknown. Or some external forces filled your head with doubt of your own abilities and capabilities. You trusted the external source who told you something was impossible so therefore, it became impossible.
But was it really impossible?
I am on a quest to see where the “impossible” line really lies for me on a variety of fronts, ranging from the physical to emotional to the intellectual.
After all, how can we truly grow if we do not test our limits? We all need to find out where our mental barriers are and remove all the doubts and fears about many things in our lives. It is these negative emotions which create walls and prevent us from reaching our potential.
Humans are pioneers by nature. It is only through our pioneering spirit in discovering our own unknown limits that we can become mature, well-adjusted, healthy, and happy individuals. Like Columbus, bust through the naysayers in your life, discover your New World and feel proud knowing you just did something that you thought was “impossible”.

Don’t Miss the Simple Things

Today, I walked out of Baja Fresh in Cupertino after picking up some take out fish tacos and I noticed an incredible sunset over the skies of Cupertino.
I thought to myself that it was really unusual that the sunset would be so striking, the reds fading to blues amongst the high cirrus clouds in a beautiful splash of color, instead of the usual invading fog that usually dominates the sky at dusk. I paused for a moment on the way to my car and reveled in the sight, and my heart felt lightened because of it. I was glad for it, because it had been a difficult day and now I feel a bit better.
Thoughts of another sunset also came to mind, over the skies of Taupo two weeks ago at Ironman New Zealand as I was running over the last painful hill into the Taupo proper and the finish line. It was also a grueling day, in a different way than today but also taxing to both body and spirit. I remember how the sunset also lightened my spirit despite my resolve draining away at that time.
Sunsets and other similar things – very small in nature but having potentially big effects. These things go unnoticed by us in our busy lives as our information-overloaded senses attempt to process every input in the wink of an eye.
I am reminded to slow down and enjoy the small things in life, to pause, and take in a sunset, the company of a good friend, the relaxing sip of a great red wine, or when my daughter comes running up to give me a hug with the biggest smile on her face.
Don’t miss the simple things in life.

Paris Hilton Hacked, Unlucky People

The big news this week was that Paris Hilton’s T-Mobile Sidekick got hacked and her entire address book, notes, and mobile pics got posted to the Net. If you want to see them, here is a site with her pictures (how could I not post a site with the real deal on it…? Check it out before the FBI take it down).
It did get me thinking about unlucky people and/or people who just attract trouble.
Certainly, Paris Hilton is probably one of the most luckiest people in the world: heiress to the Hilton fortune, TV star, supermodel.
But somehow, she also attracts trouble as well, like when her home porno video got posted to the Net (sorry no link here, but I would definitely try the new Yahoo! Video Search and search on ‘paris hilton’). She’s beautiful, a superstar, but yet the world enjoys making sure she gets it stuck to her as many times as possible.
What is it about people that make them so unlucky to get put in these silly situations?
I think about people around me that I’ve met through my life. Some of them seem to walk through life falling into success like magnets attracting iron. They always find the right job, win the lottery, find the perfect spouse, have the perfect life.
Others seem to have nothing but negativity follow them, and you need to take pity when you hear about their lives: lost my job, boy/girlfriend dumped me, just got into car accident, family trouble, etc. etc.
Now I don’t mean to say that lucky people don’t have negative things happen to them. I truly believe it’s the upbeat/positive attitude at which you face life that somehow generates some sort of ‘energy field’ that repels negativity. In some cases, their attitude allows them to avoid the negative situations, or creates forethought to prevent negative situations. Sometimes, negative things still happen to them, but it’s their attitude which makes it much more bearable than for those who have a personality which dwells on the negativity, or indecision makes it hard to get out of it, or the apparent lack of resources and help creates an impossible situation (I say ‘apparent’ because I believe there are always resources to be found; you just need to look…).
So I’ll stick my neck out here and say that lucky people are ‘lucky’ partly due to divine chance, but also a lot of those odds are thrown in their favor by deliberate action on their parts with a huge does of the right upbeat, positive attitude towards life.
As in gambling, you always want to play the game with the best odds. Why throw your money away on the games with the worst odds? Stack chance in your favor with skill. You can do the same with your life and become a more ‘luckier’ person.
And don’t buy a T-Mobile sidekick and take naked pictures of yourself with it.


Since last August, I’ve been a regular visitor to San Jose Airport. Every week I travel to LA to see my daughter and have a pretty regular routine down now.
As I frequent airports, some thoughts come to mind:
Love online check-in!
Printing out the Southwest boarding pass is sooooo cool. I am guaranteed an A boarding line spot if I do it hours before I leave for the airport.
Getting on a Southwest flight is like getting in a taxi.
Not sure if this is good, but nowadays it seems no different than hailing a taxi and going on an hour drive. Is this good or bad…?
Love self-service check-in!
American Airlines started doing this and I think it’s great. It speeds things up so much faster, even if you have luggage. They’ll just come over and put the luggage tag on for you.
Hate long lines.
Who doesn’t?
Airports are becoming a meeting place for me.
Hanging out at the airports has meant actually seeing people I wouldn’t have normally seen. I have bumped into old Yahoo! acquaintances and my old aikido teachers as well.
I keep thinking about the design of interiors of airports. They aren’t really optimized for personal interaction. At the gate, it’s just rows of seats. What about creating a pattern of seating and tables so that people can meet and interact and feel more comfortable than just being lined up for 2 hours? How about more facilities for comfortable meeting – maybe they should take some cues from the executive/first class lounges. If you’ve ever been in there, they are great for just this kind of thing. Move some of those couches outside and you’ll have an airport that you’ll want to be in, not just a place to get out of as soon as possible.
The world is getting smaller. There are more business travelers than ever as businesses connect on a global scale. So many people spend so much time in airports now it is staggering. A bit of comfort and consideration for the new jet-setting community would be nice.
Food sucks on planes, and also sucks in airports.
Can we have better food than Burger King at SJC? My favorite meals now are the barbecue chicken chopped salad at California Pizza Kitchen and fish burrito sans tortillas at this Mexican place down near gate A1.
Kind of sad in a way too when I met a few friends at LAX last week and they asked me what the best food was at LAX, and I directed them to the Mexican place there and the fish tacos were great. Somehow knowing the best places to eat at an airport isn’t the same as knowing the best restaurants to go to in Manhattan….
I don’t like getting squeezed by the airlines.
This last trip I brought my Ritchey Breakaway on board a Southwest flight. This bike is made to be packed away in a suitcase sized case for the very purpose of avoiding extra fees. But the Southwest people told me that it was oversized, and upon measuring it, it exceeded the height+length+width limitation of 62″. They didn’t charge me but they could have charged me an extra 20 bucks for this. In a few short months, they are changing the free weight limitation from 70 lbs. to 50 lbs. for checked luggage. Geez. If you’re taking a long trip like me, it’s hard to not put a lot of stuff in your suitcase, and especially going to a place like New Zealand where I brought some climbing gear and my snorkeling equipment.
We keep getting squeezed by the airlines. On a flight I booked on American Airlines from SJC to JFK, you need to purchase on-board meals in coach. Oh like I WANT TO SPEND MONEY ON CRAPPY FOOD. I eat it because it’s included, but now I need to pay for it?
Pretty soon they’ll be measuring humans. They’ll pack so many seats into a plane that you’ll need to be measured before you can board. Have you ever flown Pleasant Hawaiian Hoildays from SFO to Hawaii? That is the epitome of feeling like a cattle car. And the screaming kids don’t help either….
Then, you’ll be weighed along with your suitcase. Gotta optimize fuel. So you pay by the pound. Hmmm…maybe there are some health benefits to this for the society at large – encourage overweight people to lose weight to save money on flights….hmmm…
So as the amenties on airlines disappears, will airports transform to comfortable, inviting places to be in? Unfortunately, I think the chances are slim.

Who is your Mary Poppins?

Last night, I watched the 40th Anniversary Version of Mary Poppins on DVD. I hadn’t watched it in years but bought it thinking that my daughter would like it.
As we watched the video, I became very aware of the premise of the story and the transformation of the father and how it was similar to the great changes going on in my life.
Mary Poppins was a huge change agent in life of the Banks’ family.
Prior to her showing up, the father was a serious man, attempting to build up his self-worth and importance by gaining more wealth and prestige at his bank. He never had any time to spend with his children, but only focused on what they did wrong or why they were bad. He never laughed or told jokes as it was simply not proper to do so.
The children would always want their father’s love, but yet never seemed to break through his demeanor.
His solution to this was to bring in a continual stream of nannies, whose strict British training was deemed the answer but yet the children would continually foil their attempts at “training” them.
In comes Mary Poppins.
By bringing the children on whimsical, magical adventures which ultimately involved the father, she manages to show the entire family that the world has so much more to offer beyond just the money, prestige, and prim and proper behavior that was so desired before.
The father resists change and attempts to remove the agent of change, Mary Poppins. But to no avail, the agent of change has already influenced the father and by the end of the movie he has transformed his entire being into a more positive soul, valuing no more just money and prestige but rather becoming a more loving, caring, and more carefree person who is able to enjoy life with his family and to fully be a loving father to his children.
This mirrors the great change I feel I am going through now. My life is now an open book, ready to be completely rewritten. The forces of change are upon me and I have let go of the past to be taken where those forces shall carry me. Perhaps there is an analogy to the adventures on the rooftops of London, or the leap into the chalk drawing on the sidewalk – experiences of that sort which are entertaining and yet so filled with meaning, reflection, and ultimately resulting in transformation.
I search for those experiences now.
Is there a Mary Poppins in your life?

Botox for your Sweetheart

This last weekend I was walking around Westfield Valley Fair Mall in San Jose and noticed a lot of hearts floating around. I realized that Valentine’s Day was coming up, and I completely spaced on that fact.
But one thing did catch my eye.
There was a sign in front of a store that said, “$175 Botox for your Sweetheart”. I looked up and saw that it was the NUVO Laser Skin Treatment Center.
Hmmm…I have to say that this really takes the cake.
Now I am a traditional guy. I buy roses, take women to dinner, maybe some jewelry here and there. Get a little romantic, a kiss or hug. You know, the normal stuff.
I just don’t know what would possess someone to buy their sweetheart a Botox injection for Valentine’s Day.
What exactly does that say?
“Honey, I love you but I would love you more if we smoothed out all those ugly wrinkles.”
“I love you just the way you are, well, maybe if we fixed a few things…”
“Instead of a romantic dinner, how about we go down to the laser skin parlor and get stuck with some needles?”
What is this world coming to? I think this promotion just moved up the charts in my Top Obnoxious Ads for 2005 list.