Sometimes I hate meeting somebody I have never met or haven’t seen in a while. It’s bad enough trying to remember someone by picturing them in your mind, let alone trying to figure out who someone is without even meeting them in person before.
But make that worse by asking for those people by name and then being shown to their table and then you realize that the person sitting there is not the right person…AND…they have the same name!
The first time this happened with someone named Lynn whom I had not seen in a long time. I go to Pershing Square and ask for reservations in Lynn’s name, and they say she has already arrived and is waiting for you. I say, great, and follow the server to the table. I see someone sitting there with blond hair, so I approach from her back and then say hi to her face and realize it doesn’t look like the Lynn I knew. I say excuse me, and ask her for her full name, and it’s not my Lynn! She laughs and was also wondering who the hell I was, since she was expecting two other people. She jokes about joining her but I needed to meet the real Lynn so I move off and my Lynn shows up a few minutes later.
The second time was just this last week when I asked for someone named Adam at Olives in the W Hotel at Union Square, whom I had never seen before. I was shown to a table where there was a guy sitting there named Adam, and he and I greet and I get a call from another person meeting us for breakfast but is now telling me he can’t make it. I sit down and then start talking about my flight out and a few other things, and then we realize that I’m not the person he is supposed to meet, and he is not the Adam I am supposed to meet! How funny! I grab my stuff and go back to the front desk and there is the real Adam there waiting for me.
Usually I don’t have a problem finding and meeting someone I have never met or someone I have not seen in a long time. But it’s doubly weird when there are others with exactly the same name having reservations on the exact same day, time, and place to trip me up!
Mistaken Identity
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