ACK! In an attempt to get my iPhone syncing with both my Mac and PC, I tried a restore of the software which hosed my iPhone. Ugh! I set it updating over night and then in the morning, it’s just sitting there in the dock, locked up. I try a few things and then the screen shuts off…seemingly permanently.
I hold back the tears welling up in my eyes and pack it up, determined to exchange it for one that worked.
I walk into the Apple Store on University Ave in Palo Alto and tell the guy that my iPhone is way dead. He looks skeptical and we walk to the Genius Bar desk where he tells me about an IMPORTANT UNDOCUMENTED function called REBOOT. You press both the round “return to Main menu” button and the top small Wake/Sleep button together for a few seconds, and the thing reboots itself. Thankfully, this brings it out of its locked-up/dead state!
I boot up my PC (which I have with me) and then sync my iPhone with it, restoring the software and IT LIVES AGAIN!
It’s beyond me why REBOOT isn’t in the user manual. But for now, I am glad to have my iPhone up and working again. Just give me my MMS please and everything will be PERFECTO.
Day 12: iPhone Dies…and Lives Again!
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