Author Archives: dshen

Warm Gun: Alternative Impressions

I just got back from a whole day of hanging out at the Warm Gun: Designing Happiness Conference put on by Dave McClure and his crew at 500startups. Once again, it was a stellar event, gathering designers and developers and the occasional investor (like me, although I guess I’m also a designer and developer with my CS degree). I thought I would post about the event, but post differently than posting just the notes or what was good and not so good. Instead, I thought I’d post some alternative impressions that I got while at the event which I thought were interesting.
I was shopping for a lot of books!
Two presenters gave some suggestions for reading, Geoffrey Miller and Jennifer Aaker. Through them I instantly bought on Amazon:
We Feel Fine: An Almanac of Human Emotion by Sep Kamvar and Jonathan Harris
resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences by Nancy Duarte
The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature by Geoffrey Miller
Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior by Geoffrey Miller
I am glad that some of the presenters did give favorite texts because it is hard to take notes in a conference setting; they talk fairly rapidly and move through slides so quick that it is hard to take the important points down. Some of them thankfully will either post their presentations on Slideshare or email them to me personally which is pretty cool.
Ex-Yahoo! designers, the next generation
I met a few designers who had been doing design at Yahoo! and left relatively recently. Most of them got there after I had left, with one I saw who was there when I was there and was still had not left!
But seeing them present and hearing about the work they did for some reason gave me a lump in my throat. I spent 9 years at Yahoo! as VP of User Experience and Design and we did so much while I was there. Now there was the new generation who designed for Yahoo in not only a new regime but new internet environment of high bandwidth, HTML4 going on 5, advanced browser technologies, faster computers, iPhone and iPads – it was a much different environment than the one I had designed Yahoo! sites for way back when. For some reason I felt nostalgic for the old days, but was impressed by their skills and knowledge and also felt disconnected with the new generation.
It was good to say hi and talk about the Yahoo!s that we respectively knew and where we were going from there.
“Twitter intros” were everywhere
What an amazing thing Twitter does – I walk into Warm Gun and immediately I am meeting and talking to people as if they know me because they tell me they have been following me on Twitter for a while now – I do the same to them if I recognize their names by their Twitter handles.
It certainly breaks the ice and for many, we seem to already know each other before meeting in person!
On the other hand, it is vaguely stalker like – should I be afraid…?
“Those who do not remember history are destined to repeat it.”
Sitting through the last presentation of the developer track, I was listening to Tom Chi, former Yahoo! search designer and now at Google. He was giving a quick talk on the intricacies of designing a search user experience.
A lot of the things he talked about were things we did when I was still at Yahoo (although afterwards, we got into a great discussion on all the cool things they were doing that weren’t mentioned in the presentation due to time constraints). Still, I could not recall where anyone had recorded information about search UX much. One of my designers, Christina Wodtke (now at MySpace) wrote about search UX design in her book, Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web (2nd Edition). On Boxes and Arrows, there are a few stories about search UX:
Advancing Advanced Search
Search Behavior Patterns
Long Tails and Short Queries (which references an excellent research article by Amanda Spink, From E-Sex to E-Commerce)
But if you didn’t know where to look, it would be potentially really hard to find this information. And the new generation of designers might not even try to find it before trying to design a search experience on their sites. What a shame that would be: they would most likely make the same mistakes that others have made before them. IF ONLY they had the knowledge of others before them!
Yet I find that much of the deep knowledge tends to be proprietary or trapped in the minds of individuals who worked on the problems and then went elsewhere, or left to rot on departing employees’ hard drives.
At Yahoo! we had a website where we made all the user researchers upload their usability reports into one place so that we could always go back and see what others had done before them. Now that I’ve been gone for 6 years, who knows if that repository still exists. Certainly the individuals have been scattered to the four winds.
Perhaps this is something that someone on the internet would do, which is to create a repository of design knowledge. Perhaps we could somehow get donations of historical proprietary data. Perhaps we could save presentations from all the talks both formal and informal (like on Slideshare). Maybe it could be a Design Wikipedia, or something like Television Tropes & Idioms where every formula for a TV show has been recorded and basically reused and recombined for new shows.
Otherwise, we’re going to be relegated to finding these individuals and making give the same presentation over and over again for each new generation of designers…maybe that’s yet another great reason to hold Warm Gun next year!

Location Biases (or I’m a Silicon Valley/NYC Tech Investing Snob After All)

OK I admit it. I hang out mostly in two of the biggest tech startup communities ever, which are Silicon Valley and NYC. So when I blog about what I see, it is most often through the lens of someone who experiences the tech startup/investing ecosystems of those two places and not much of other places (NOTE: I do hang out in Los Angeles a lot too, but haven’t invested much there).
So yeah, I’m a Silicon Valley/NYC tech investing snob and when I write my snobbiness is evident and the facts are biased towards what I see in those two places with respect to tech and internet. Unfortunately, as I’m often reminded by folks, other sectors, and places in the US and the world have much different ecosystems. What are those differences?
1. Availability of capital is not as easy elsewhere. I wrote in my post What Startups Need Most Of Today that startups don’t need more of funding. Well, unfortunately that seems to only apply to Silicon Valley and NYC where for tech/internet startups this is true. For other types of startups, it can be a dry world indeed.
But there is hope. Thanks to Mark Suster who pointed me to A Moveable Feast of Mugs, Maniacs and Masters of the Game – David B. Lerner:
* Not all angels live in Silicon Valley!
* Not all angels are interested in consumer internet companies!
* There are vibrant angel communities in NYC, Boston and in other cities around the US!
* Angels account for 90% of all start-up funding in the US!
* Angels put up $20 Billion a year into approximately 50,000 startups!*
* Friends & Family put up an estimated $60 Billion a year into startups!*
* There are an estimated 225,00 angels in the United States*
* There are currently ~300 active angel groups in the United States*
Source: Angel Capital Association
According to this, perhaps funding IS NOT so scarce. However what makes funding scarce could be:
a. Networking to funding is tougher in other areas. In the SV and NYC, there are so many people investing and working on startups that it’s so much easier to bump into someone who can help you network into a pool of entrepreneurs or investors. I can believe this is much harder elsewhere if the networks are much more spread out or less organized, or startups are just not nearly as common as they are in SV/NYC.
b. The filters that investors put on startups before investing is a more conservative, traditional filter than for in SV and NYC. By conservative and traditional, I mean they want to see revenue and business plans and progress before funding; in SV/NYC, it is more likely that you can find investors to bet on you simply because you’re smart and energetic, and/or your idea is innovative but still has an unproven business model. Again this applies mostly to tech/internet startups; for other sectors, I find that the crowd tends towards the more conservative filters.
c. The experience base tends towards other sectors in other parts of the country. Thus, unfamiliar sectors may find funding very very scarce simply because the investor pool generally likes to invest in things they understand or have prior experience in. Here in SV/NYC, you can find many people who made a lot of money through the internet booms and have extensive experience building internet projects. But these guys rarely invest outside of the internet; so the opposite is true here in SV where if you’re working on something non-tech/internet, you could be very frustrated at seeing all these internet “dipshit” startups getting funded while you, with a really cool non-internet idea, can’t find anyone to bet on you.
2. Following on the networking comment, it is also much easier to get help as an internet/tech entrepreneur in SV/NYC. You can more readily find help here in SV/NYC as the available pool of entrepreneurs and helpful investors is higher. But if an internet/tech entrepreneur goes elsewhere, it could be very hard to find help. Also note that there are places where tech/internet help is building, like the cities where Techstars is popping up. For other sectors, this may be also true in SV since the variety of startups that are worked on here is very great. But for other parts of the country where the concentration of a given sector’s startups may be scarce, it could be very hard to find help.
Help can also come in the form of business contacts. If you’re in starting a company in a place where there are few or no others also working in that industry sector, then you will have to fly to find these contacts and that makes finding help harder.
3. Hiring can be *really* tough elsewhere. It seems the cream of the crop of software engineers ends up in SV with the dream of working at Google, and then some head to NYC area if they like that atmosphere. Generally, around major universities or major metros is where hiring is best. However, parts of the country which don’t have major corporations of a given industry sector or are less desirable places to live (by whatever metric people use to choose) can make it abnormally hard to hire. At least universities seem to be graduating a ton of software engineers; compare that to the number of biomedical, mechanical, civil, nuclear, etc engineers that graduate. Then remove those that are unsuitable for startups, either mental makeup, attitude, life stage, etc., and your pool gets that much smaller. It’s tough enough hiring for tech/internet startups; I can’t imagine what it would be like for other types of startups.
Is there hope for other parts of the country? I think the answer is sometimes:
1. Places like Chicago (Excelerate) and all the Techstars cities are forming their own entrepreneurial centers and incubators for internet/tech startups. But they are the new generation. If you Google a city plus the word “incubator” you can also find many tech incubators already in existence. But those tend towards non-internet tech and more traditional ways of thinking and building businesses, which are different and potentially not as effective for internet businesses. is allowing entrepreneurs and startup people to form little to big networking groups.
However, I am not sure that forming more incubators for internet startups is the right way to go. I have seen startups coming out of incubators that were very similar to other existing startups. I also think that the ease of competitors popping up means that finding something truly unique to work on is getting harder and harder. So somebody has to realize that as they are picking companies. So far, Ycombinator who has been around the longest seems to be picking and directing startups to work on really innovative stuff (and unfortunately there are always those that end up after their brief YC stint with not so exciting and innovative startups or those that are very feature based).
At the very least this suggests to me that new incubators need to do a better job of realizing what environment they are operating in and helping/fostering/directing their entrepreneurs to build really innovative stuff versus stuff that already has competitors.
2. One of the biggest issues I see with doing internet startups elsewhere besides SV or NYC is that while you may think you are working on a great idea, it is highly likely that someone else is already working on it. This is a big problem where entrepreneurs don’t look around the competition hard enough to know who else is working on your problem.
As an investor, I am extremely sensitive to competition in the internet only space. If you are working on something similar to something in SV or NYC, I may naturally pick the one in SV or NYC simply because of the environmental factors that will give them edge over someone who is not in those locales. Outside of internet, I think the world is nowhere near as competitive because it is much harder to create a me-too startup in other industries.
3. I sometimes meet investors in other places who lament that they can’t find good startups to invest in. It seems that they see all this money being made in internet startups (mostly all in SV or NYC!) and they want to get into the game. A couple of responses:
a. Sometimes they don’t have experience in internet businesses. This is a big problem as it increases risk that their lack of experience could mean they will bet on problematic startup plans. In this case, I think it will be better to find a fund to invest in who specializes in internet/tech.
b. Investing in startups not near you brings it’s own problems. How do you keep tabs on them? How do you know what they are doing? Are they squandering your money? You can’t take a ride over and talk to them. Stick to investing in startups you can get to easily, or at least in places you frequent in.
But yeah it sucks if there are no startups near you, or at least not in the hot trendy sector at the time….
c. I still maintain that the risk profile for internet only startups is extremely high even if it seems that people are making a lot of money on them. The ship has, unfortunately, sailed for many opportunities. Newly created internet startups tend to be incremental improvements on existing services, or those that attack a niche market whereas the giants attack the overall market. The success probability for an investor in these startups is going to be really tough. Returns will be lower because many of these businesses are doing cool stuff, but are attacking markets smaller than giants who are attacking the overall market; therefore, the exits on these will be most likely sub-$100MM.
So should you jump in? I think internet is going to be an opportunity trend, just like microprocessors and personal computers (and the list can go on). People bet on these trends and they lasted for a long time but now they have topped out and it’s hard to find those game changing huge bets in those areas. With the internet and its ability to launch things with very little capital, I believe the internet has raced up to topping out and will continue to make it harder to find really game changing, super exits that we all want. Soon it may be hard to even get worthwhile exits in the mid-$10MMs (and by the way, the economy still sucks which further suppresses exits, as well as the lackluster IPO market).
I would say, wait it out. There will be another trend coming soon and you should hop on that. Or find some venture fund to help you get into internet startups but I still think it is an area fraught with peril for venture returns.
So OK, I’m a Silicon Valley/NYC tech investing, blogging snob. And the reality is, where there is easy money, help, community and resources like in SV, NYC, and maybe some other up and coming areas, then startups and investors will flourish. Like for the movie industry – if you’re going to make a movie you wouldn’t go to Indiana right? You’d go to Los Angeles where there was money/help/community/resources for movie making (or maybe NYC). If you wanted to be a music star, you’d probably want to go to LA, or NYC, or if you were a country music star you’d end up in Nashville.
The world isn’t fair. We congregate in a place, make it a mecca for something (startups, movies, music, etc.) and it becomes THE place to go to become successful in it. But we want other places to be like that, like maybe where we are living right at this moment. We don’t want to move; we like living where we’re living now. But the fact is, sometimes the rest of the crowd congregates elsewhere and makes it mecca for something like startups and investing whether you like it or not. Participating from afar really isn’t as effective as just going there and living it.

The Lack of Due Diligence is Appalling and Foolish

There has been a disturbing trend I’ve noticed in early stage investing. That is when there are no professional investors (ie. venture fund) in the round, then I often find that I am the only guy asking for due diligence materials.
To me, this is appalling. How can you know that you’re investing in a real company? How do you know what has transpired in the past won’t catch up with you later to nip you in your ass? How do you know if you’re just transferring your cash into someone’s personal bank account?
1. “If all these prominent individuals are investing, then obviously these guys are legit.”
Apparently, in some of the early stage rounds I’ve encountered even with prominent individuals, I’m still the only guys who asked for due diligence materials. So I guess that statement is only a fallacy when I’m NOT in a round since you can be sure I did ask and review them.
2. “If they came through a prominent organization [ie. Ycombinator, Techstars, TC Disrupt winner, etc.], then they must be legit.”
Well, mostly true for some aspects but not others. For example, they may have been incorporated but not had any board meetings, or had their initial founder stock purchase plans created. How do you know there isn’t something beyond the basics that is wrong with them?
Still prominent organizations must do some level of due diligence themselves to protect themselves from liability issues later on. But I will tell you that it is by no means complete or as buttoned up as it should be.
3. “If they say they are a DE corp, then everything must be OK.”
A lot of guys go to those online instant incorporation services and just pay a few hundred bucks to create a company in DE. After reviewing some of them, they are always barebones docs and may not be complete (ie. Articles of Incorporation are filed and generic By-Laws created, but no further docs created like Board Meeting Minutes or Stock Purchase Plans). There is also no advice given on how many shares to create – for example, it is a better practice to create 10MM or so common stock shares to prepare for the future. This WILL create work and costs to fix later on.
To me, it is imperative that you do your own due diligence. I gather materials on every deal and review them with my lawyer. You never know when you might find something that is wrong with the deal.
Here’s an example. I met an entrepreneur who got referred to me by a venture capitalist. I thought that since the venture capitalist was investing, the due diligence would just be customary and there would be no issues. Boy, was I wrong.
First, the entrepreneur didn’t want to give me typical due diligence materials. This was strange. Every startup before this gladly handed over the docs. But he didn’t. I went through several email exchanges with the entrepreneur to convince him that this was standard procedure that it happens all the time. He kept saying that these were confidential and was happy to hand them over AFTER I put my money in. Finally he relented and was going to send me materials. But all this time, my confidence in this deal was dropping like a rock.
Then the kicker was when we were looking at signing me up as advisor. I saw the consideration and it was 1000 shares. Hmmm, I thought, it’s a bit low isn’t it? But then I realized that he had only created 1,000,000 shares of common stock in the whole company. Whoa. This was the second red flag – I could see when the next round would come in and then another venture fund would demand cleanup of the corporation and then there would be a tremendous dilution of my advisor options. In reviewing this, we also realized that there were only 1MM shares authorized but they had allocated out 1,111,000 shares, 111K shares over the authorized amount which is not good that they have not gone through the process of authorizing them.
I ended up not investing on the state of the materials I managed to get, and the reluctance of the entrepreneur to give them to me.
And this also when a prominent venture firm had gone into the round too. They had apparently looked at the materials and decided it was worth pursuing despite the issues. But we have to make our own decisions on the information and I decided to decline because these issues had fallen past the threshold that I was willing to stomach in a deal.
If I had not done my own due diligence, I would never have found these things out.
It is fortunate for us working on early stage that due diligence is fairly simple: the startup has not been around long enough to have more complex due diligence. I could not imagine the legions of lawyers poring through an acquisition of a major company by another. Thankfully we don’t have to do that here.
Whenever I do a deal, I ask for this list:
1. Articles of Incorporation
2. By-laws
3. Lawyer, law firm contact
4. Stock purchase agreements
5. Current employee list, their occupation/function, and bios if possible.
6. Current investor list, cap table
7. Current advisor list
8. Latest product plan
9. Business plan if any.
10. Your latest pitch deck
11. Financials to date, plus projections
12. Site/product performance to date if any, and projections, ie. # of users, sales, etc.
13. Board and shareholder meeting minutes and written consents, if any? Organizational resolutions?
14. Stock option plans and agreements
15. Office address/location
16. What is your website/product/etc.?
If they don’t have it, I ask them to just note that. Basically, this list clearly depicts exactly what I’m buying with my investment dollars.
Remember that buying stock in a company is more than just the guy who showed up with his Powerpoint and demo-ed his product to you. It is an entire operation that encompasses product and people and must follow the laws of the country it’s operating in. Unless you ask for due diligence materials, you will never get a clear picture of what you’re buying with your money.
And given my experiences, depending on others to check on the legitimacy of what you’re buying is foolish. So make sure you do your own due diligence and if you have to, pay a lawyer to help you out.

What Startups Need Most Of Today

What startups don’t need more of:
1. Funding – if you have a great idea and team, you should be able to find money.
2. Smart people – Universities like MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley and the like, are churning out 1000s of smart people each year. You may be smart, but you’re a dime a dozen.
3. Great ideas – Generally, if you have a great idea, you can get funding. You can even get funding for a mediocre idea if someone likes you. Given the explosion of startups, there doesn’t seem to be a lack for ideas.
4. Effort and Sweat – There is no lack of motivation to build either a company or a product. Given defined problems, there are known paths to building great usable, useful, and desirable products as long as you put in the time.
What startups need most of today are:
1. Experience – most entrepreneurs are young and haven’t worked much in industry. They need business savviness and experience either on their team or mentors who are willing to put in the time to handhold inexperienced entrepreneurs. Of course, entrepreneurs need to be open, willing to hear feedback, and to learn from it.
2. Contacts – Following on 1., if you haven’t been in industry long, then you haven’t had time to network properly. Getting the proper introductions can make or break a new business.
3. Monetization – Every startup needs money, but how to get it? Some of this related to experienced persons being involved and creating a business model; some of it relates to working with a platform to accelerate monetization.
4. Distribution/Customers – Whether you’re a consumer or B2B startup, you need customers. For consumer startups, how do you build a customer base when users are bombarded by invites to “great and new” services and everyone’s attention is drawn in a 100 different ways? For B2B startups, how do you find the right people to talk to in a business and get them to accelerate their process to buy your serivce?
5. Hiring – There are too many startups and not enough people to work in them. This is because every entrepreneurial person wants to be their own founder and are not OK with a small percentage of another company. The fact that not every smart person that is out there is fit for a startup means the available pool of hires drops dramatically.
The persons, platform, and/or organization which solves these problems for entrepreneurs is going to make a killing…!

YCombinator and Their Convertible Note

These last two weeks were a whirlwind with YCombinator happening and then the subsequent meetings with their entrepreneurs afterwards. It was a great event and very tiring and brain draining with 36 companies to listen to. Hollywood was there with a guest appearance by actor turned angel investor Ashton Kutcher and wife Demi Moore.
One interesting thing that did happen was that everyone was raising money in convertible notes. Paul Graham tweeted out this fact:

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I hate convertible notes. See all my misadventures with notes in this blog category.
However, once I took a look at their “standard” note, I had to say that, as far as convertible notes go, this was probably the most palatable convertible note I’ve seen to date.
I used to encounter totally barebones notes, but with an option to convert at the next equity financing. Those disappeared as investors started becoming smarter about financing, but, as funding rounds got lower and the cost of starting an internet startup dropped, the cost of doing a preferred equity round became expensive relative to the amount they were raising. This is also changing too as the creation of standard early stage equity round documents has helped this process, but still it was more expensive than doing convertible notes.
Then came the convertible note with a price cap on it at conversion. This eased some issues but didn’t totally erase others; even those notes were still very company friendly in many respects, and I encountered some of these issues with the notes I invested in.
Taking a look at the “standard” YCombinator note that is used with this class, I must say that it is more complex than the standard simple convertible note, but I think it does give a lot of advantages to the investor which other notes do not.
First, it has a price cap on the conversion – infinitely better than barebones notes with no price cap.
Some of my concerns deal with the 5 conditions in which a startup might find itself in, relative to this note. These are, with why this note is better in these conditions:
1. The startup is doing great and is raising their next round at a value above the cap of the note.
Comment: This is the best condition and the cap delivers price advantage. One potential issue is in what terms does the next round enter into. With a good lead, this generally is not an issue.
2. The startup is doing OK but will raise their next round at or below the price cap.
Comment: This is not the best condition for the company given its progress, but we as investors at least get the best price which will be below the cap now.
3. The startup is doing great and is profitable, and the note comes due when the startup doesn’t need financing.
Comment: Here other notes present a situation where they can pay us back and we don’t end up with any ownership of the company. This kind of sucks because we intended on ending up with stock in the company but didn’t get any and only got interest. However, this note has a term where when the note comes due and if a financing has not occurred we have the option to get paid back or convert, and convert into a preferred equity round with terms defined through an attached term sheet. This is the important part: we can convert into a preferred equity round that has pre-defined, balanced terms, and not into common stock or get into a negotiation about preferred equity terms in a situation where we would not have leverage to negotiate.
4. The startup gets acquired before the note comes due.
Comment: In case of change in control, we have the option to automatically convert and take advantage of us owning stock and getting a piece of the proceeds of any acquisition or exit. However, we have the option to also just get paid back, which can be advantageous to situations where the exit would result in us getting less money back if we were to convert to common stock. As investors we can choose the best condition for the situation we find ourselves in.
5. The startup raises their next round, but no one leads and the terms aren’t being set or driven by anyone.
Comment: This is one which I have encountered and is problematic because a qualified equity financing has occurred, but no one steps up to lead the round and drive the terms. If the company is left to its own devices, it will most likely deliver company friendly terms. Currently the note doesn’t quite take care of this condition. In the case of a non-qualified equity financing, then we use the terms as set in the attached term sheet.
I hope that this form of convertible note with cap gets out there regardless of whether we think notes are a trend over doing preferred equity. I think the jury is still out on which form of financing will we do more of. As an investor, I still hate notes and would much prefer preferred equity financing. But I do understand the economic issues where doing notes is cheaper than doing equity…at this time. Other movements in the industry may make this obsolete.
Kudos to Paul Graham and the Ycombinator crew for putting forth a convertible note that is much more friendly and palatable to investors than previous or more common instances of the convertible note.
No matter what entrepreneurs really need to do the math to see how much dilution will happen in all these cases. I have seen entrepreneurs who have delayed the question of ownership by using a convertible note, and then got some unexpected news when they raised the next round and they were diluted a lot more than they thought.
Key terms and items in this note are:
1. Cap on the conversion price.
2. Interest rate.
3. Automatic conversion happens when qualified equity financing occurs and we convert into that preferred round’s terms.
4. Investors can convert at their option (on majority vote of investors) in a variety of situations. These are at 1) non qualified equity financing happens, so we can convert to preferred stock via the attached term sheet; 2) maturity of note, so we can convert to preferred stock or get paid back; 3) at change in control then we can convert to common stock before the change in control or get paid back.
5. A preferred equity round term sheet is already predefined and attached to the convertible note, to be used in conditions where we may convert into the company’s equity.

Tough Economic Times Ahead and the Next Stage in Startup Strategy

I just love the Stocktwits Macro Weekly. Gregor Macdonald of Abnormal Returns writes it and this week sums up some pretty important points.
This last week the Federal Reserve finally gave in and admitted that the economy wasn’t where it was supposed to be: high unemployment, US budget out of control, stimulus that wasn’t stimulated without the US Government pumping more money into our economy, creating pretty much an unsustainable loop. That took interest rates on US Treasuries to record lows and the stock market didn’t like that either. Too bad you optimist stocktraders – it still amazes me that anyone can think that recovery can happen with so many people out of work. Who is going to spend money if they aren’t making any money? Duh!
We’re in for a long haul here. Double dip, single dip, whatever. The economy sucks and now the general population is pulling back its spending after realizing that things weren’t getting better even as the Fed was blowing sweet smoke our way. If people keep spending less, then how can businesses make money? So they are pulling back also and not investing as much. And the cycle continues.
But what this means for startups is…it’s harder than ever to make money. Back in my post, Mark Fletcher at Startup2Startup and the Evolution of Startup Business Strategy, I noted how Mark smartly adjusted his funding and operating plan based on the environment at the time. He noted three stages that he had raised money and built startups in; now I believe we’re entering into yet another stage. This is because we’re in an economic downturn AND I believe there is a serious bubble forming in internet only startups.
What’s a startup to do?
Raising money doesn’t seem to be a problem. If you have a star team and a decent idea, you can woo one of the many super angels or micro VCs. They are all operating on the strategy of investing in what I call “exploration” which is to give you enough money to leave your job and then work for a year or less and see if you can get anywhere. Regular angels can also be part of this effort, although I’m sitting on the sidelines (see my bubble post).
However, if you want this to NOT be a 6-12 month sabbatical into the world of entrepreneurship, at the end of which probability says you’re gonna be left without a job because you couldn’t get your idea developed into a business, you’re going to have to do things a little bit differently.
Item 1: The general population is pulling back in spending.
This means either whatever product or service you’re making has to be EXPONENTIALLY better than the competition or else you’ll never get enough users on board to pay for your service. INCREMENTALLY better might have worked when there was no bubble in internet only startups or in an economically better climate. But now you’ll have next to zero chance.
Corollary: Go for revenue from the get-go.
Going for revenue has been talked about extensively, but I still meet entrepreneurs with no notion of monetization. Now that the available pool of consumer cash is shrinking, the fight for their cash is going to be even more fierce.
Item 1a: Businesses sense the consumer pullback and they are pulling back too.
The pullback trickles through businesses to your B2B startup. Internal budgets are tightening up as companies conserve cash as they don’t know where the economy is going to go. So building something EXPONENTIALLY better for them is critical too, rather than incremental improvements on what’s out there.
Item 2: Competition is ridiculous.
Corollary: Instead, tackle a business that NOBODY ELSE is tackling.
This is a serious problem of the bubble. Competition pops up everywhere. To me, the unsexy is in, as these are the last bastion of untapped areas where the internet can go and disrupt. But still people want to make photo sharing and social networking just a little bit better. Too many people tackle the sexy problems and not enough of the unsexy problems.
The other areas besides unsexy are completely untapped business opportunities. Yes, it’s tough to find these. But still, I meet entrepreneurs who have found them. If they can find them, why can’t you? No more social networking photo sharing apps please! Nobody said entrepreneurship was easy; it’s damn hard to find business opportunities that are completely untapped.
Item 3: Users are bombarded by too many services AND now they have less money to spend. Likewise, for businesses, their budgets are being cut.
Corollary: One year is not enough, two is barely enough, maybe need more time. Startup austerity is IN now more than ever.
Still people are raising for one year. I can’t see how anyone in this climate can get to any kind of breakeven in one year. Of course there are always outliers, but most of the ideas I meet won’t get there in a year. I have been telling people to plan for two years (remembering there are two levers here, what you raise and what you burn) but with the economy the way it is, I am wondering if even two years is enough. It seems that our super smart folks in the US Government aren’t doing the right thing to truly stimulate the economy, and I say that knowing the trying to drive the economy is not an easy thing (and especially cleaning up the mess created by all our nice lobbyists, politicians, and Wall Street greed). It’s going to take years for us to get back on track, now that the inertia of consumer confidence is moving downward.
No matter what, austerity in spending whatever you raise is going to be even more important. You need to survive as long as possible, giving yourself the maximum amount of time to try things and to pivot several times if necessary, and along the way praying that the economy is going to come back.
But it’s obvious to me that many entrepreneurs are unwilling to go into starvation mode for that long. All I have to say is, good luck to you and let’s talk at the end of a year after your raise.
Item 4: More entrepreneurs keep piling into the internet space.
Corollary: Radical idea: Try creating a startup in another space besides the ultra crowded space of internet only startups.
You have strong entrepreneurial desires? Then why try to build a business in an industry where everybody who wants to be an entrepreneur is piling in en masse? I am getting connected to startups in other industries and there are some really interesting things going on out there in the world beyond the internet. In my bubble post, I posted about an emerging space that is hardware plus software plus internet – what other spaces could use your entrepreneurial energy to go and disrupt? Are there any industries that are adjacent to what you learned in school, or where your interests are, or where your previous experiences lie? How about another location where there is growth like another country?
Someone once said to me that in times of economic distress, there were tons of opportunities and investing in these times could yield some amazing results as long as you reserved some capital to do so. These are definitely some interesting times as an angel investor. Like Mark Fletcher, I am doing the smart thing by watching the economy closely and adjusting my investing strategy based on the conditions of the environment at the time. More entrepreneurs could do better by applying this tactic as well.
DISCLOSURE: I am not a direct investor in Stocktwits but rather an indirect one through my investment in betaworks. I love what they do, so go and sign up for Stocktwits newsletters and read everything they send you.

“There’s Something F%$@#! Up About Every Early Stage Startup”

“There’s something f%$@#! up about every early stage startup…”
– Andy Weissman, @aweissman, betaworks
About 2 years ago, Andy Weissman over at betaworks made that statement. I thought it was funny at the time, but 2 years later, I have found that statement to be one of the most profound I’ve heard.
Since then, I’ve met a constant stream of early stage startups. Every one has something wrong with it; the idea, the founders, the competition, the funding plan, whatever. Sometimes there are multiple things wrong with them. I don’t think anybody has come with an idea and team and plan that was perfect. In fact, I think it’s impossible.
At early stage there are too many variables. That is why the risk of failure at early stage is so great. You don’t have enough of…everything…or anything…to properly pursue a business idea. And then there are the things that are totally out of your control, such as economic or competitive forces. These things will swing every which way and there is nothing you can do about it…and tanking your startups along the way as you look on with frustration and helplessness.
If you fixate on what is wrong with early stage startups, you’ll never invest. It’s way too easy to find something wrong with one.
Some of those I take as a given. For example, in the internet space there are tons of young founders who have never been at another job in their lives. But the idea is great, and we love their energy and creativity so we bet on them knowing at some point they may need to step down as leader of their businesses…or we’ll get into a painful argument with them about why they need to step down and they don’t want to. Sometimes we bet on these people simply because they are smart and theoretically smart people will adapt/pivot their way to success better than not-so-smart people, even though they lack real world business experience.
Some of those I know we will have to fix later. Whether we are willing to put in the effort to fix them later is another question; many investors hope that there is someone who gets involved who has the time and desire to watch over things. The need for a new, more seasoned CEO is one of those; perhaps the strategy needs to change, or somebody isn’t pulling their weight in their functional area, or can’t grow into a more expanded role.
Still, the number of f%$@#! up things any early stage startup has can be a scary thing. It took me a while to understand this and then just live with the fact that there are going to be things really wrong with every startup I meet and then fund. For me, it’s become a game of which f%$@#! up things are you willing to put up with, how many are OK with you, and why.
Accepting the fact there are going to be f%$@#! up things about early stage startups is critical; if you can’t live with that fact, you probably shouldn’t be investing in early stage. It may drive you nuts.

Time Diversification: Strategy for Investors

Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting Jim Robinson IV of RRE Ventures (twitter: @jdrive). In our conversation, he mentioned something I thought was super important, which was that successful investors also diversify across time, in addition to diversifying their investments.
I thought that this statement was extremely important and something that is commonly not done at all, and dangerous to ignore.
What is Time Diversification?
Time diversification is:
Adjusting your strategy based on what is going on in the economy at the time.
Learning from what worked and what didn’t in previous economic cycles, and applying those principles to where we are today.
Investing the right way for where you are today in an economic cycle and doing it across multiple economic cycles. The second part of this statement is hard for those investors who have not been doing this long enough to experience multiple cycles.
Why Time Diversification?
The main danger of not time diversifying is if you go out the gate strongly and put a sizeable percentage of your funds in a short amount of time, you may end up getting caught by the negative aspects of a given part of an economic cycle.
Anyone knows that predicting what will happen in the economy is near impossible. Famous economists’ track records on predictions are pretty dismal. So the only thing you can do is to spread out your investments across time and try to ride whatever upside is going on today while mitigating risks of the downsides that appear along the way.
But if you put out all your money in a short amount of time, you could end up investing at a time when there is a downturn right around the corner which could crater your current investments and leave you with little cash to recover. Think about all those investors who raised funds in 1999 or 2000 and put money into companies who had stratospheric valuations, only to see them disappear as the dotcom bust wiped out all that value in late 2000.
Or you may miss an upturn by investing in yesterday’s downturn driven investment strategy.
So ideally, your strategy will be affected by time diversification. For example, prior to the 2008 economic downturn, we were investing in startups who were building for users primarily and on the assumption that if you get users, you’ll eventually find a way to monetize. This strategy began to kill startups as we entered the downturn because:
1. Startups needed a longer time to generate revenue, and needed to survive a longer time to do so.
2. Startups’ burn rate was too high and they ran through money before they could get revenue or raise the next round. Many entrepreneurs were unwilling to give up their lifestyle and lower burn and thus died accordingly.
3. Prior to the downturn, startups could go raise their next round on little revenue but decent traction and great, quality product. As we entered into the downturn, investors became instantly conservative and if you didn’t have traction AND revenue after the seed round, your chances of getting funding dropped to zero.
Thus many of us changed our strategy and started looking for startups who could survive and gain early revenue to survive long enough to create a sustainable business model. This ended the popularity of consumer internet startups focused on interesting user activity and caused a rise investing in B2B startups, and those consumer internet startups who could build an early business model based on making money off users.
As economic conditions change, we should examine where the economy is at that time and what the conditions tell us about how we invest, and what we should invest in. Timing it is near impossible, so we hope that adjusting our strategy over time, taking our lumps if we don’t act fast enough, riding the upturns when they come can help us keep our returns in the positive.
Why Do People Ignore or Don’t Time Diversify?
Some reasons why people ignore time diversification, or don’t do it:
1. Naviete – Simple lack of knowledge that this is important can mean that someone didn’t think about time diversification. Or they may have learned about it in school but wasn’t aware of its importance, and thus forgot about it. Or didn’t know how to integrate it into their strategy.
2. Lack of real world experience – Humans learn best through experiencing things first hand. Many people simply haven’t been through enough economic cycles to know what to do depending on where they are in one. That’s why talking to guys like Jim Robinson IV is so valuable because they’ve been in it since before the dotcom boom.
3. Irrational exuberance – Especially in periods of upturns, it can seem that you can do no wrong. Think about between 1995-2000; investors in the early part of that period made tons of money and, as Jim puts it, we all looked like geniuses no matter what we did. Or it could be a period of investment flurry, like what I believe is happening now where lots of internet startups are being funded left and right; you feel like you have to get in or else miss out. So during periods like these you may experience irrational exuberance and thus invest fast to try to get at as many deals as possible because you don’t want to miss out. The problem is that you ignore the fact that your funds are also dwindling fast.
4. Conversatism kills – Venture investing in particular is a risk taker’s game; you really have to be out there investing constantly in upturns and downturns (which is partly the reason for this post). If you’re a conservative risk taker (yes I think such a person exists!) and you wait until you’re “sure” that you’re in an upturn, OR you get in a downturn and pullback after the downturn begins, you’re always going to be investing at the peaks and pulling out in the valleys.
5. Economic cycles can be very long – In fact, long enough that an entire generation may no nothing but incredible growth and prosperity. This was experienced in the period between 1982 and 2000 where the S&P 500 rose from about 100 to an intraday high of 1552.87 in 2000. Those growing up in a period knowing only growth have not experienced downturns and thus we can get fooled that value of our investments will always rise.
What to Do?
Some thoughts on what to do:
1. Pace your investments. Don’t get caught up in having to invest in every deal that comes along. It may seem that every deal is super hot and can’t lose, but experience tells me that everything looks hot but the probability of success is very low.
2. Be disciplined in the amount of money you invest in each company. Do not get over-exuberant and start making bigger bets in the beginning. Look at the total amount of money you have and make it stretch across many years. Pick an investment size that allows you to do this. I made this mistake in the first years of my investing. Originally I thought that I should do $50K investments. That drifted upwards quickly as I got caught up in the excitement of being involved in deals to $100K. But now, I am down to $25K chunks in an attempt to still be involved but not run out of funds. Just think back to the number of investments I could have made if I had stuck with $50K, or even $25K, if I had not done $100K chunks. For each $100K startup, I could have invested more broadly into two $50K or four $25K investments. Another danger of going out with too high investment sizes is that you may pick a lot of losers, or get caught in an economic downturn. Then recouping your investment gets harder.
3. Be a student of economic history and do not ignore it. The first big downturn I lived through was when the first Bush invaded Iraq. It was a tough time but it didn’t hit me too hard as I had a job. The second period was the dotcom boom-bust. That was much more severe; having been at Yahoo, I saw our stock climb to amazing heights in 2000, only to watch them drop to amazing lows by the end of the year. There was a time when we all thought naively that the run up in internet stocks would never end. We even snickered at those who left Yahoo in 1999 or 2000 and cashed out at “such a low stock price” of 150. Now who had the last laugh? There is nothing better than first hand experience of such events and looking at the dumbass thinking we had back then. Lacking that, all I can say is that you should read a lot, talk to a lot of people, and take lessons from those who have lived through these times. I would also caution you to really watch out for books which were written for a given period. I remember reading about real estate investing and how buying houses was a great, no-loss wealth building strategy. Well, now look at where we are with that. Examples abound everywhere; be careful what you read and add it to your knowledge base.
4. Invest when times seem bleak – It is scary to be putting money out in times of economic downturns. However, these are times when bargains can be found. You also don’t want to miss the next run-up in the markets by waiting too long.
5. Resist the temptation to be over-exuberant – It is tempting to try to chase all the hot deals going on at any time. However, in the last 4 years of investing, I have never seen a time where there WEREN’T hot deals around. I doubt that will change anytime in the future, so be disciplined and keep to your strategy.
6. Track valuations from the marketplace. – Keep track of them and watch out when the valuations start climbing. It is a signal that something is going on. It is not necessarily a bubble forming, but it could be. Most likely the competition for the deals has become fiercer as more money has become available in the marketplace for investment into startups. I would develop a limit to the valuation you are willing to stomach, no matter what the deal is and stick to it. Be flexible to violate the rule if you find something that you really like because you may want to get involved for reasons other than the valuation being too high.
What am I doing? Tracking the economy closely. Seeing what the government is doing, or not doing, or doing a crap job of. Keeping my ear out on what’s happening with valuations. Talking to venture investors and angels who are out there investing actively. I meet regularly with my financial planner and listen to what he is seeing out in the marketplace. I also talk to the entrepreneurs and see who is geting funded and why, as well as those that didn’t get funded. And then who got bought, or just went IPO, and how/why. It’s an immense amount of information but all of it is interrelated and affects what I am doing now, how I do it, and what I will do in the future.

Internet Startup Bubble and The Supposed Super Seed Crash

OK I admit it. I’m reposting and expanding upon a comment I left on Paul Kedrosky’s blog post The Coming Super-Seed Crash. But whenever I write a lot, it just seems like such a shame to leave it hidden in somebody else’s post, somewhere else on the web…
Paul talked about how there was going to be a crash of super seed funds. I’m not sure I agree with that. There simply aren’t enough of them to characterize some sort of bubble. I think the issue is more about what they’re investing in, which at the moment is mostly internet startups.
To recap my comment, which was in response to Chris Sacca’s comment, and also to continue this post and to add to my thinking:
…But somehow, perhaps this discussion shouldn’t be about the super seed funds. To me, they are employing the correct strategy in the climate of (mostly) internet startups that they are investing in, which is there are too damn many of them and how does one pick the right one(s)?
To me, the issue is not the super seed funds but rather the looming bubble that I believe is forming in the internet only startup space. To give some data, which Sacca asked for!, some thoughts:
1. Too many me-too startups, and they are getting funded too! it’s been super hard to find those gems of unique ideas. It’s so easy to just launch something and everyone thinks they can just build something and it will grow huge.
2. Sacca’s comment about undisciplined angels is very true. At the last YC, I knew practically no one at the first session of YC whereas in years past I knew over half the room. There are many angels newly jumping into the fray and with not enough experience.
3. When the new angels start investing, they can only invest in whatever is available at that moment; they’ve already missed the Groupons, Gilts, Foursquares, etc of the world, so they must pick from what is available. In their excitement, they fund them but without realizing that there are so many me-toos out there, with the exception of those rare unique gems.
4. People who shouldn’t be entrepreneurs are becoming entrepreneurs. One of the first things I do when I meet entrepreneurs is try to talk them out of it. Many can’t take it and it’s good we found out now before we fund them and realize they didn’t have the right attitude and/or staying power. But too many are jumping in and can only see the good parts (ie. I’m building the next Google and I’m gonna be rich!) but don’t realize how much effort it takes to get there.
5. So much froth is being stirred up about becoming entrepreneurs. Every university is starting incubators, everybody wants to be an entrepreneur. Your friends make you feel like an idiot if you’re not starting a new biz. This is bad. Social pressure for you to become something you’re not, or under the wrong circumstances (ie. your life stage may be beyond this, or you have an idea that won’t grow big enough) is really bad and is making some do things they shouldn’t.
6. Major confusion exists on small businesses versus the game changing, world dominating startups. Steve Blank wrote a great post about this recently. Starting businesses is great and should be done, but we’re treating all the startups we encounter as if they were going for the gold when in fact a lot of them will never get there. The crappy economy drives us creative Americans to start a biz to support ourselves and then we get confused when we go out and try to figure out how to grow it. Banks won’t lend to them, and probably never will lend to a small biz internet startup. So they try to raise money as a game changing, world dominating company and actually get funded, but their idea and their personality will never get there.
7. All these startups who blur together in their ideas, and only differentiate in consumers’ minds by just a little bit, means that they only gain a tiny slice of the entire internet userbase. Pretty soon, we will cut the userbase up into ever smaller chunks until we’re left each with something that is barely or not monetizable.
8. Oh by the way, we as users are getting tired of opening up yet another invite email. We’ve already got flickr to share photos; we don’t need another photo sharing service! Entrepreneurs don’t appreciate the high switching costs and our familiarity and comfort with our old services which are working pretty damn well thank you very much. And also, our time is getting occupied more and more fully; we don’t have time to use another service unless it can bring exponential value over and above the ones we’re using now, and not just incremental.
9. On another note, because of these tough competitive conditions, startups aren’t thinking long term enough. One year is not enough time to gain traction and/or pivot a few times to figure out where they should be going. But yet pretty much every startup I encounter only thinks about raising enough money, with respect to their burn, to last only a year. It’s not enough time in today’s climate. At the end of the year, you’ll have launched, gained some early usage, only to figure out you need to pivot and you aren’t making enough money to break even. Then you go out to raise more and you can’t because the probability is high that getting a follow on round to companies with mediocre or crappy metrics is near impossible. So many startups will hit the end of their bank accounts and then just…die….
[NEW] 10. The lack of resources in hiring is a big problem. Before, we could find engineers who were willing to put up with the uncertainties of entrepreneurial life and because there were fewer startups, we could get all of them concentrated into those fewer startups and be able to execute. Now engineers are starting their own thing and finding that they can’t get further unless they hire…and they can’t. This means a lot more of these startups will die because they can’t execute as fast as others, and burn through cash to find this out.
I think all these point to a big internet startup bubble forming, in which angels whose limited resources will get them caught in a bad place where the majority will find it hard to even make their money back. The super seed funds will do well and be profitable because they can bet widely. A sizeable portion of their portfolios will either die or reach small biz status, but they will find their Google(s) to win back all they’ve bet and then some.

Remember also that my viewpoint is that of an angel investor whose spent the last 4 years investing in consumer internet, and then the economic crash hit, at which time I started switching to internet B2B startups, and now I’m very much souring on internet only startups (I’ll explain “only” in a moment). I don’t have the resources of a super angel and certainly not that of a super seed fund. I must deploy my limited resources much more carefully since I’m aiming for cash return in addition to investing for entertainment value. So to be more careful, I must choose wisely.
But choosing wisely among the plethora of internet startups who want users to check-in, share, chat, social network, connect, real time blah blah blah – it’s all becoming a blur to me. I can’t tell what’s really going to become big or not. And I’m not sure all those customers surfing the internet can either.
So with respect to internet only startups, I’m starting to sit on the sidelines. Occasionally some gems will pop up and I will try my best to get in those rounds; these are startups who:
…have almost no competitors
…are making money from the very beginning
…are making something so powerful/unique/cool relative to what’s out there
…are disrupting some old business that everyone else has missed
Sound familiar? Old style VC looked for these businesses and bet big on them because of these attributes and more. But most of the internet startups I see today are just rehashes of the same old. That’s OK – given the intense variability of the startup world, I’ve seen stuff that I never thought would work go big, and stuff that had the best laid plans and apparent opportunity go down the tubes. Still, it’s not something I want to dabble in any more like I did so I’m sitting on the sidelines unless something comes along which really satisfies metrics like those above.
I do have a new emerging thesis though. Remember I said “internet ONLY startups”? I believe there is something unique and emerging in the hardware plus software plus internet space. Once I get my thoughts more ordered on that topic I will post on that for sure.

Why I Hate Social Proof

Just recently, the concept of social proof as a reason for investing has come up again. It first came up when I was giving the Angellist guys some feedback on their referral system. In their emails, there is a prominent section dedicated to social proof and details the other usually-prominent investors and advisors who are investing and have endorsed the startup. But I complained back that in my experience, social proof can be a dangerous reason to invest in a startup, as much as it can lend support to an idea.
Here are some reasons why social proof can be a great thing:
1. Presumably, if a smart investor has committed funds to a venture, then he has researched it and think it is something he can make money with, or else why would he toss away his funds on something that won’t?
2. Previously mentioned smart investor might be someone who has more experience than you, so you rely on someone else’s expertise to help you decide. Or it may be an area where you may have no experience in, but you want someone who does have experience to endorse it.
3. If a lot of smart people invest in something, then the additive effect of a lot of smart people agreeing can lend support to a particular venture.
Now here are some reasons why I hate social proof:
1. Investors like to invest with others that they like. So they tend to travel in packs and herds (ie. think “herd mentality”). Thus you may have a lot of smart investors, who hang with other smart investors normally, who just invite their friends into a venture. The only thing is, sometimes these smart investor friends just trust their other investor friends to bring them worthwhile ventures and they may not have thought through exactly how good or not good a venture is. Given this, it may mean that item 3 in the positive aspects of social proof is an illusion because the group of smart investors endorsing it may actually all be following one or two of them.
2. There are a lot of guys out there who are angel investing that are more rich than you or me. To them, $50K or even hundreds of thousands of dollars are mere blips in their wealth; it’s like if I pull out a $20 bill and give it to you and not really care if I get it back. When your mindset is driven by the fact that you can give out large amounts of money and not have it affect your lifestyle in the slightest, it can really alter your decision process on how you pick startups, and how rigorous you may be. It can very well mean that you’re just happy getting involved in some really cool thing and want to have bragging rights, more so than being really focused on monetary return. It can also mean that there is huge entertainment value realized from being involved, and that they just want to be a part of something cool. How do reasons like that match with your strategy of investing?
3. Following on 2, this can apply to venture funds even more so. They have tons of cash to deploy and are perfectly willing to take on risky ventures since it’s their core business. A fund does not have to have positive outcomes in many of its startups in order to have a sizeable turn for the fund itself. So they can and will take chances on ventures that could be hugely risky across a wide set of measures and be OK if it dies. But where will we be if the investment fails…?
4. If you follow someone’s investment, you really have to be wary of WHY THEY ARE INVESTING. I have encountered the case where I saw a prominent venture fund individual put his money into a startup. The entrepreneur touted that fact and it did seem to lend some credence to the venture. However, when I talked to the prominent venture fund individual about the investment, I found that he invested mostly because he knew the guy personally and wanted to support him so he invested mainly because of that…and also because that item 2 above enabled him to invest a seemingly large part of the small round and he was OK with that. Do you want to co-invest alongside someone who is in reality just supporting someone he is close to and not really thinking as deeply as he should about the business and the opportunity?
5. By the way, it can often seem like because there are smart investors in a round, that when the startup needs help they will jump in to lend a hand. However, I have also found that this is not necessarily true. Many smart investors are very busy people. They may have many companies in their portfolio. Their time is very tight and they may not have time to help in depth with all their startups. They may be forced to focus on only those that are the winners and everyone else doesn’t get much attention. Or worse, if a venture starts going downhill, I’ve also seen them just be left to die; after all, if this one dies, these guys still have many others who can benefit a lot more from their help versus trying to spend your time rescuing those who will die and for little return on their time investment. It is ruthless, but true; sacrificing the losers will mean that focus on the winners will mean they will make back their money and then some. However, if you haven’t invested in every startup that a smart investor has invested in, you may end up investing in a lot of losers and that sucks!
So while it may seem social proof can be beneficial, and in many cases it can be, it is also very bad to invest blindly using only social proof. My advice would be to do your own homework into those startups you want to invest in, and don’t just follow the herd. The herd you’re a part of may turn out to be a herd of wild, strong mustangs led by a dominant horse who can lead you to safety and success….or your herd could suddenly transform itself into a herd of lemmings about to follow the leader right off a cliff.